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Why I'm Running


Affordable Housing and Home Insurance

We are seeing ever increasing home prices, rent prices, and insurance rates. We need someone who will make sure Floridians are not being price gouged, and we can continue to afford to live in the State of Florida. When rent, mortgage, and insurance rates are through the roof, then we will continue to see an increase in statewide poverty rates and homelessness.


Public Education

Florida ranks among the lowest in regards to teacher pay, 50 out of 51, and with nearly 5,000 teacher vacancies! Our legislatures are nether supporting current teachers nor prospective teachers! With many out-of-state teachers being denied state-to-state teaching certificate transfers, which would allow them to teach in Florida without having to go through the Florida Teacher Certification process. Legislation such as these will continue to fail our students and our future.


Championing Marginalized Groups

With Florida passing many laws with regards to marginalized groups we need to learn that Love will ALWAYS win. With the passing of the "Don't Say Gay" bill, Vote By Mail restrictions, 6-Week Abortion Ban, and ensuring Confederate Statues are enshrined in Black Neighborhoods. When we have a legislature who is not wanting to address our issue, but wants to de-humanize those, we have to hold them accountable.

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"Florida deserves to have people representing them that fight for the people of their districts and the state. We need to ensure our Legislatures are held accountable.The ever lasting fight on LGBTQ+ Individuals, Education, and our Housing Needs, MUST be addressed and that's why I'm running for House District 17, but I need a team to win this race! Join us today to get across the finish line!"

Bryson Morgan

Paid for by Bryson Morgan for State House District 17

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